Monthly Archives: March 2013

Juggling Elephants

The semester is winding down and thank goodness. I have managed to keep my head above water. Barely some days, but so far, pretty good. Just a few more weeks…My family is sick of me being gone all the time and I am too, but the fact that I have been in school since January 2011 and only in the past year has it been an inconvenience, I think that’s pretty good actually.

Group fitness classes are going pretty well. Aqua Zumba attendance is way up thanks to the new year and warmer weather. PiYo attendance is okay, not great but okay most of the time. Now, that they have a yoga class Thursday night, I am wondering if it hasn’t affected my class. Regular Zumba is rocking though.

Got my Body Pump results a few weeks ago. I didn’t pass, I got a witheld on my video. I am demoing in front of my Group X director tomorrow and she should sign off it and then I will be able to be officially certified. I have subbed three classes in the past two weeks. I really enjoy teaching it but I really look fat when I teach. What is up with that?! Speaking of my weight, it’s the same. But I swear, I look better somehow. Still too much jiggle and wiggle on the backside though 🙂

Went to AEA training March 15 in Knoxville. Pretty sure I failed. I was horribly unprepared. At least the training was very beneficial. I am glad I did it. I’ll get my results in a few weeks but I don’t think it will be close. Maybe I can retake it at the pre-con at Zumba convention in August. Which btw, I signed up for Zumba convention today. So excited!!

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